The Benefits of Online Classes
Recently, the world as we know it has changed quite a bit. Our ways of learning, working, socializing, as well as our daily routines have taken a whole new direction. I have found that while the adjustment period to all of this was tough, many of us have settled into our "new normal" now. Although I personally do prefer to interact in person with students, online lessons have brought some benefits.
1. Scheduling is easier for students
Driving in traffic near a big city can be very daunting, especially if you have more than one person to take to their various activities. Sporting activities of course, always require a meeting place, and many times the scheduling is tough to coordinate with other things. Fortunately, it is possible to learn just as well, as well as get the one-on-one interaction with music teachers online. Students do not have to coordinate as much, but can simply schedule their lessons for a time when they are in the comfort of their own home. I have also noticed that some students do better in the comfort of their home life around.
2. Parents/guardians are more involved in learning
Since starting online lessons, I have doubled my students! No, I didn't get a sudden rush of new ones. I do feel as though all the parents and guardians of my young students have also taken on music as a hobby. Having them sit with students, engage, and help them out is not only beneficial for them, but for the young student as well. It gives a very clear idea of what material is covered in lessons, what is expected for the next lesson, and how to practice. I have loved seeing adults having more time to be able to participate and learn along with these young students!
3. Online lessons fit with our digital age
Although too much screen time can seem problematic for our children at times, I really do believe we are in a new time, where social media and online classes are a staple of learning for many people. We take in so much information through our screens, and some people have a better attention span when it comes to online learning vs in person. When I started switching students over to internet based classes, I was slightly skeptical. However, it really seems to fit into their lives and I have not had one student who is not learning new things every week on their online lessons.
I do miss face to face lessons with all my students. However, going forward I am very optimistic about expanding our ways of learning. Once normal life returns for everyone, I believe that some are going to continue with online learning after seeing the benefits it has afforded to them. I am happy that we can continue to evolve with how we learn. The important thing is that we keep making music.